Sunday, March 2, 2014

Mangroves: adventures in the shallows

Well, this isn't exactly about cave diving...but I recently finished editing a short video of a friend and me kayaking through the mangroves in the shallow coastal waters off Key Largo and wanted to share it will you all.

Hope you like it: Be sure to watch the whole thing, surprise upside-down jellies will wow you :)

Mangroves are incredibly important to the coastal areas. The halophytic tree species serve as barriers protecting coastlines from wave and storm erosion. Mangroves also serve as a nursery for many juvenile coral reef fish and larger pelagic species. Without the protection of calm waters and ample hiding places to avoid predation, these fish species would not be able to mature and migrate to the coral habitats offshore.

If you want to learn more about the peril of mangrove forests worldwide, please look into their degradation due to coastal development. Let's protect this uniquely amazing shallow water habitat!

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