Sunday, October 13, 2013

Swim for the Sharks!!!

Sharkfest 2013 in Newport Rhode Island!

On a chilly autumn morning, open water swimmers gathered to partake in the first annual Newport Harbor Sharkfest Swim. Though the swim itself is more competition oriented, I decided to use the event as an opportunity to raise awareness and funding for shark conservation.

To do so, I teamed up with an outstanding nonprofit called Shark Savers. Although the 2013 swim is over, my webpage is still actively aiding sharks!

"...Shark populations are severely depleted throughout the world due to overfishing, mostly to meet the demand for shark fins. Some species have seen over 90% world wide reductions. Shark Savers raises awareness of these issues through education and media campaigns..." 

Thank you to everyone who supported me! Here are some photos from the race :)

Race start. Proud to be one of the four women not racing in a wetsuit!

Not much competition in my age group haha, but I still got seventh for women overall!

Wahoo! Finishing time of 21:19!

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