Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Is it acceptable to keep wild animals in captivity?

While perusing Facebook, I came across this trailer

The documentary aims to raise awareness of the problems with captive orcas, specifically at Sea World. I have yet to see the full film, but I can already see that it is slightly biased. Just to offer an alternate view, here were my thoughts that I posted on my own facebook in hopes of sparking some sort of a debate....

"I'll be interested to see if they mention any benefits of having animals in captivity... I do agree that training massive wild animals to perform tricks for human enjoyment is repulsive. However, aquariums allow scientists to conduct research that could never be feasible in the wild. Studies have proven extremely beneficial in the understanding and conservation of the species as a whole. From a summer of working at Mystic Aquarium, I've come to realize the superb level of care these animals are provided, but stricken from their natural habitat, there are definitive difficulties with keeping animals healthy in a confined environment. 

Captive orcas, along with zoos and aquariums in general, serve as a portal to connect humans with the natural world without direct disruptions to fragile and remote ecosystems. I can still remember the sense of awe and new found appreciation that filled my little five-year-old soul on my first visit to an aquarium....that instilled curiosity and respect has since directed my entire life as an environmental steward. In a world with an increasing detachment from nature, is it acceptable to keep animals in captivity? I don't know."

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